Apps Script + REST APIs + Google Sheets + Glide Apps

This tutorial teaches you fetching data from TMDb API into a Google Sheet and turn the sheet into beautiful and easy-to-use apps using Glide.

We will do 2 steps:

  1. Create an Apps Script to fetch Top Movies and Popular Movies using the TMDb API.
  2. Use Glide Apps and convert the Google Sheet into an app.

Things you need:

  1. Register for an API Key here:
  2. An account on Glide. Register here:

Google Sheets

Create a blank Google sheet and navigate to Tools -> Script Editor and paste the following code.

We have two functions i.e., getTopMovies(), getPopularMovies() and onOpen().

getTopMovies() – Fetch top movies from the API

getPopularMovies() – Fetch popular movies from the API

onOpen() – Create a custom menu to run REST API calls only when needed.

Structure for the Google Sheet

Paste the following code into the Script Editor and Save. Make sure you update API_KEY parameter with the actual key from TMDb API.

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