Do you have more than 10 links or even 100 links that you need instantly shortened using I am sure you are not looking to do them manually and I am sure you tried to google for the solutions and found quite a few excel sheets which are not working. This tutorial is for 2018 with updated API of to bulk shorten URLs.
Steps are pretty simple.
- Make a copy of this Excel sheet (File -> Make a Copy…)
- Generate your Access Token in by following the steps below
- Go to Settings
- Click on Advanced Settings
- Click on OAuth ( and then Generic Access Token
- Enter your password and click Generate Token
- Enter the access token in the first sheet of the excel copied in the first step
- Go to the Shortener tab in the excel and enter your links to bulk shorten all of them
If you are copying these shortened URLs into a spreadsheet, you’ll need to right click and use the “Paste Special” function and paste “Values Only” otherwise you get the formula rather than the URL.